Thousand Oaks Workers Compensation Lawyer

Thousand Oaks Workers Compensation Lawyer
Barry Law Group

Best Thousand Oaks Workers Compensation Lawyer

Thousand Oaks Workers’ Compensation Attorney

A workplace injury can be frustrating and painful in Thousand Oaks, CA. California law protects employees by providing them coverage for medical costs and lost income after an accident, illness, or injury sustained over time. Employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance and provide a safe workplace. Workers’ compensation is also beneficial for employers. It prevents them from being sued by employees when the job requires dangerous working conditions.

It is essential to know your employee rights. If your employer or their insurance agency is trying to ignore or deny your claim for workers’ compensation, it can be particularly difficult to recover. You deserve support through the workers’ compensation system if you suffer a personal injury at work. If your employee rights are being violated, or you are overwhelmed with the compensation filing process, you need to work with a Thousand Oaks workers’ compensation attorney. We can protect your interests and get the compensation you deserve.

Barry Law Group: Representation for Your Workers’ Compensation Case

California’s workers’ compensation laws are complex. They are often frustrating when you are already dealing with an injury or illness. Barry Law Group has been helping employees get the compensation they need for more than 30 years. We know how to navigate the compensation system. Our firm can help guide you through the process to maximize your benefits.

Our team of attorneys can provide you with exceptional legal care throughout your filing, no matter how simple or complex your situation is. A workplace injury can cause serious financial harm to many employees. It is important that you are fairly compensated for all present and future damages. We know how to determine what damages you are eligible for.

Types of Workplace Injuries That Qualify for Compensation

Many people associate workers’ compensation with a sudden accident. However, this is not the only way you may be eligible to recover damages. There are many types of workplace injuries, including:

  • Physical Injuries From an Accident: These may occur from slip-and-fall accidents, falling objects, heavy lifting, car and machinery accidents, and other sudden injuries resulting from a sudden accident. These injuries can range from bruises, laceration, and broken bones to severely traumatic injuries like burns, limb loss, and traumatic brain injuries.
  • Occupational Illness: Exposure to dangerous substances, chemicals, and other hazards while working can lead to several developing issues. It may be years before these diseases and illnesses develop. It can be difficult for employees to connect these to their work. These conditions include cancer, respiratory issues, lung diseases, and eczema.
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries: Your work may require you to complete a similar motion many times a day, such as consistent lifting of objects, assembly line tasks, or even typing. If so, you may suffer from a muscle strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or other repetitive motion injury.
  • Stress-Induced Injuries: For employees in particularly high-stress jobs, emotional distress can cause injuries. This includes post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety disorders. In severe cases, conditions like strokes or heart attacks can be linked to work stress or even a lack of movement at work. These can be considered work-related injuries.

Not all injuries qualify you for workers’ compensation. The injury or condition must have been caused by or worsened because of your job duties. If you are unsure if your illness or injury qualifies you for workers’ compensation, speak with a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer about your situation. Be sure that you know your rights as an employee.

What Are the Benefits of Working With a Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

In a straightforward workers’ compensation case, having an attorney by your side allows you to take time to recover. Your attorney can handle essential aspects of your claim. They can guide you smoothly through the process of receiving compensation. This can reduce your stress while you recover.

Unfortunately, not all workers’ compensation claims are so simple. Sometimes, your employer may claim your injury was not a result of your job duties and deny you your rightful benefits. Employers could also retaliate against you for filing. The employer’s insurance provider may also make the filing process difficult. Very often, insurance providers will offer significantly less compensation than you deserve. It is essential that you do not accept a settlement that fails to cover current and future damages. Insurance companies could also delay your rightful payments or deny your claim.

When you work with a qualified attorney, they will handle these circumstances. They will advocate for your interests, appeal denied claims, and negotiate a settlement that meets your needs. Often, employees are unaware of just how much their damages are worth. An attorney can help you calculate that amount. You could receive more compensation from the insurance company than you may have gained without an attorney.

What Does Workers’ Comp Cover?

Workers’ compensation benefits cover damages, bills, and other expenses that directly resulted from your workplace injury. An attorney can help you determine what benefits apply directly to your situation and how much you are owed. Types of benefits include:

  • Medical Expenses: Any medical bills and costs directly associated with the injury may be covered. This includes hospital stays, medication, transportation, surgeries, recovery care, and other treatments.
  • Temporary Disability Benefits: If your workplace injury prevents you from working for a short period of time, you can receive temporary disability benefits to make up for lost wages. In California, this is usually 60-70% of your weekly wages.
  • Permanent Disability Benefits: When a workplace injury prevents you from ever returning to work, your benefits can cover your lost earning capacity. These benefits are a portion of your weekly wage. They can be long-term or for the rest of your life.
  • Vocational Training: Your disability or injury may prevent you from working at your previous place of employment. However, you might be able to take on other types of work. If so, you can receive coverage for job training. You could also receive coverage for retraining at your prior job if necessary. This allows employees to return to work.
  • Death Benefits: If you lost a loved one from a work-related injury, you could receive death benefits for your loss.

The Process of Filing for Workers’ Compensation

If you have been injured at work, or have contracted a developmental illness or motion injury, there are steps you need to take to file for workers’ compensation.

  • Inform Your Employer: Your employer will have to provide you with certain forms for workers’ compensation. If your injury was the result of an accident, inform your employer as soon as possible. Unless you are severely injured, inform them prior to getting medical treatment. If the injury is a developmental issue, get in contact with your employer once you plan to receive medical care.
  • Get Medical Treatment: If your single-event injury is not an emergency condition, request a list of approved doctors from your employer and their insurance provider. In an emergency situation, any available doctor is fine. If possible, get care from a provider who is covered under your benefits and has experience with your type of injury. Inform the provider that your injury is a workplace injury so they can complete the necessary documentation.
  • Fill Out the Claim: Your employer will provide you with workers’ compensation forms so you can file the claim.
  • Contact a Workers’ Compensation Attorney: They can help ensure you complete the filing process accurately. They can also ensure that your employer and insurance provider are not violating your employee rights. Your attorney can also help you maximize the compensation you deserve.

FAQs About Thousand Oaks, CA Workers Comp Law

How Much Do Workers’ Comp Lawyers Charge in California?

In California, the court awards an attorney a percentage of the settlement. An attorney may also work on a contingency fee basis. This contingency fee is usually around 9-12%, but can be as high as 15%. The percentage assigned depends on the complexity and length of the case. An attorney who charges a contingency fee only receives payment if they succeed in winning you compensation. Otherwise, you will not owe them anything.

When Should I Hire a Workers’ Comp Lawyer?

Ideally, you want to work with an attorney as soon as you are injured in your workplace or realize you have developed a condition from work. You should hire an attorney if your employer denies that the injury occurred or was the result of work. An attorney is also invaluable if the insurance provider is refusing to negotiate or pay you enough to cover your damages.

How Much Is the Average Workers’ Comp Settlement in California?

A workers’ compensation claim can range from several thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every workers’ compensation claim is different and is influenced by many factors. This includes:

  • The severity of the injury
  • Your income prior to the injury
  • Your earning capacity
  • Whether you can return to work
  • If your condition is expected to have medical complications in the future

What 4 Types of Issues Are Not Covered by Workers’ Compensation?

There are several types of injuries not covered by workers’ compensation, including:

  1. Injuries caused by an employee’s negligence or bad behavior
  2. Injuries that cannot be predicted or prevented, such as common illnesses or natural disasters
  3. Injuries that resulted from something other than your job duties
  4. Injuries that existed prior to work and would have worsened regardless of your job duties

Your Thousand Oaks Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

When you are suffering from a workplace injury, contact Barry Law Group. Our team of lawyers is dedicated to helping injured employees get the representation and care they deserve. Let us help you handle the filing process and get the benefits that you need.

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