Encino Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for Public Safety Employees

Encino Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for Public Safety Employees
Barry Law Group

Encino Workers’ Compensation Lawyer for Public Safety Employees

Workers’ Compensation Attorney for Public Safety Employees in Encino, CA

Public safety employees of California are the unsung heroes of our local California communities. These courageous men and women have dedicated themselves to the betterment of our lives. California public safety employees— including police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and first responders—put their own lives at risk to protect us and ensure we are safe.

encino workers compensation for public safety attorney

Barry Law Group Specializes in IOD “Injured On Duty” and Labor Code § 4850 Benefits

Under current California law, public safety employees are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if they are injured in the line of duty, including IOD pay (Labor Code § 4850) that provides needed financial security while off duty and recovering from a work related injury. Often, personal time is initially deducted when injured, this well-earned time can be restored through the workers’ compensation claim process. For over 40 years, Barry Law Group has provided results and guidance for public safety personnel to obtain the benefits afforded under the law.

Barry Law Group Committed to Representing Public Safety Sector

As a leading workers’ compensation law firm located in Encino, California, Barry Law Group represents public safety employees who have been injured in the line of duty.

Our clientele includes those who have lost a loved one in the loss of a firefighter, police officer, or other public safety employees. These benefits can be extended to their dependents if those employees die due to injuries received in the line of duty. We also help public safety and their dependents receive workers’ compensation benefits to pay for their medical expenses, lost wages, IOD and other costs associated with injuries received in the line of duty.

The law, however, is complex. The ever-changing Labor Code is not always clear regarding when public safety employees are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. The attorneys at Barry Law Group specializes in explaining every changing system to public safety employees, and assist these front line workers understand the protections provided under California law.

If you are a public safety employee, do not hesitate to contact us today to begin your case review. We have more than 40 years of experience, and we will make sure you maximize all the benefits you are entitled to receive.

encino workers compensation for public safety employees

Who Is Eligible to File a Claim for Workers’ Compensation in Encino, CA?

Public safety employees can file a claim for workers’ compensation if they have been injured on the job. Injuries can be physical, mental, or emotional. However, certain events must be triggered before an employee is eligible to claim workers’ compensation benefits.

To be eligible for workers’ compensation, several requirements must be met:

  • You must have suffered a work-related injury or occupational disease. This injury must have happened in the course of your employment.
  • You must have been on the job when you were injured.
  • You must work for an employer in an industry that is usually covered by workers’ compensation. This includes employers in both private industries and public safety jobs. While your injury must occur while working for this employer or within the scope of your employment, your injury must not be caused intentionally, due to intoxication, or while committing a felony.
  • You must notify your employer as soon as possible after the injury.

Benefits Readily Available After Injury: Maximize Your Benefits Today

An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can discuss what evidence to look for when constructing your case. Then, you will be required to file a claim with California’s Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) to seek benefits for your injury. These benefits include but are not limited to:

  • IOD (Injured on Duty pay)(Labor Code § 4850)
  • Medical treatment for your injury and related conditions
  • Additional benefits for dependents including spouses, children, and siblings
  • Restoring sick leave benefits used and converting them to IOD (Labor Code § 4850 pay)

How Does Workers’ Compensation Integrate With the Public Employee Retirement System?

If you are a retired public safety employee, you may still be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits even though you receive retirement benefits through the Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS). However, if you are collecting a pension, you must work directly with a qualified attorney experienced in both workers’ compensation and the pension system. The complexities of these programs can make it difficult for retired workers to understand how their benefits might be affected by filing for workers’ compensation. Working with an attorney can ensure no disruption in any of your benefits, including your pension.

Contact the Barry Law Group today if you are a public safety employee and have been involved in a work-related accident. We will help ensure that your injuries are recognized and documented so that you can receive the benefits that you deserve.

Encino, California’s Premier Workers’ Compensation Law Firm for Public Safety Employees

The Barry Law Group is a premier worker compensation law firm for public employees in Encino, California. Our attorneys have decades of experience representing police officers, firefighters, paramedics, correctional officers, and other public employees who have been hurt in the line of duty. We are dedicated to promoting worker safety, empowering injured public safety employees. Call our Encino office today to discuss your particular case and whether a consultation is the next best step. You can also visit us online for more information.

*Our firm does not handle claims with the federal government

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Barry Law Group is comprised of attorneys and longtime staff members who are committed to the success of your legal matter. The firm understands that for most litigation is uncharted worrisome and often terrifying.